The Unofficial Pals Wiki

Welcome to the The Unofficial Pals Wiki

Welcome to the Unofficial Pals wiki! This wiki is focused on best friends Denis, Alex, Corl, Sub, and Sketch. They are better known as The Pals, a group of youtubers who make videos for all ages, shapes, and sizes. This wiki will focus on all things Pals related, whether it be their channels, roleplay series, or even the Pals themselves! Hope you'll stick along for the ride!

The Pals

The Pals consist of:

Denis, the happy-go-lucky pal who constantly acts as the everyman!

Alex, the gentleman-like British pal.

Corl, the energetic and good-hearted pal.

Sub, the silent and mysterious anon of the pals!

Sketch, the outgoing and chill pal.

Their Content

On this wiki, check out

The Characters: Check out a vast range of colorful characters, each who have their own spark to them!

The Episodes: Take a look at the episodes of every pals series made so far!

The Locations: Explore the vast variety of places the Pals have visited on their adventures!

The Community: Check out the wide fanbase of the Pals, consisting of over a million fans!

Misc: Explore the other things featured on the wiki!

Latest activity

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A school for monsters of all shapes and sizes.
